RBBM V - Certification

Prerequisite: RBBM I, II, III, IV and a minimum of three (3) RBBM I Concepts (2 in-person)

A minimum of 8 months is required from RBBM IV to be eligible for this course, and a minimum of professionally training dogs for 5 years.


  • 8 Days – Consecutive

  • 2 (3 Hour) Zoom Classes (on-line) with a month of in-person class

  • A minimum of 3 videos (10 – 20 minutes each) of you teaching and training your client and their dogs must be submitted within 4 months after in-person class

This course teaches in-depth understanding of how RBT/RBBM works, and why it works from a practical and scientific viewpoint. Included within this class are volunteer clients and their dog, that the students are required to teach and reach both client and their dog with methods of RBT/RBBM. The clients will come to “appointments” at the Center for three consecutive days, where the student must affect the client and dog by teaching a basic level of understanding and handling to their client. Client evaluations of their student trainer will be received by CHRI afterward.

This class will help you acquire a deeper understanding and effectiveness for teaching your clients and their dogs. Concepts, methods and practical training and behavior modification methods are the focus of the in-person class.

The follow-up Zoom Classes are to review all videos and evaluate and discuss your training sessions.

Instructors: Nelson Hodges & other CHRI, RBT Instructors periodically
IACP CEUs: 72 hours
Cost : $4,000
Location: CHRI Center