Specialized & Online Courses


FEARFUL/FERAL DOG in Las Vegas, New Mexico

Using feral dogs as our teachers to improve our knowledge of dogs and ourselves, this two-day feral dog rehabilitation workshop in New Mexico is like no other dog training experience out there.  Feral dogs are like magnifying glasses on our dog training skills, behaviors, and mindset. Feral dog rehab gets to the essence and depth of the human-dog relationship with an animal that has developed street smarts and survival techniques without human influence.  The lessons feral and fearful dogs teach can be applied to help ALL dogs. 

You will be guided by Julie Hart, an experienced and effective feral dog rehabilitator, in collaboration with Nelson Hodges, founder of Canine Human Relationship Institute.   During June 2-3, the workshop will be focused on classroom and demonstration with some hands-on opportunities. The class focus will be on trust building, human/dog body language, leash handling, predictability, and building relationships.  We will learn how humans can connect with dogs on a deep level by being what dogs need to feel safe. Learning how to be present by controlling your mind, energy, emotions, and expectations are all side benefits of working with feral dogs. 

Nelson Hodges will hold a 2-hour Zoom class with attendees to supplement the in-person portion of the workshop. (Date to be announced)

Julie has many years of experience rehabilitating fearful and feral dogs for adoption and for her clients. She works with the dogs in foster homes the Las Vegas shelter extensively, successfully preparing them for pet dog life.  Julie is a certified dog trainer through IACP and a certified relationship-based trainer with CHRI.  She will include over-arching concepts as well as details about how to live with and help fearful and feral dogs.

Instructor: Julie Hart, CRBT, IACP-CDT, Nelson Hodges
IACP CEUs: 16 hours
Cost: $400
Location: Las Vegas, New Mexico

OR….Register to watch the online compilation of three (3) Fearful/Feral Dog workshops recordings and interviews with Nelson Hodges discussing the challenges, actions and results of working with fearful/feral dogs.


Online Courses



This CHRI course(5 days) teaches students about the brain, skeletal and body developments and capabilities of canines over a period of 2 years of coverage. The brain, how and when it develops, physically, from gestation through a 2 year period of time, on a week to week basis, is covered in depth. The development of the body and its capabilities is also covered during that time period, and when both brain and body align, and when and how they do not align. dog sizes, neutering, sexual vs. mental maturity, and fear imprinting are covered.

In addition, we cover Historical aspects, age and behavior appropriate aspects including exercise needs and activities appropriateness and requirements, and development teaching, social and cognitive abilities and fulfillments. We also discuss nutritional needs for development and deficiencies. 

Nelson Hodges
IACP CEUs: 15 hours
Cost: $600
Location: CHRI Center, Blue Ridge, TX, OR ONLINE



Aggressive Dogs II is a course designed to provide professional dog trainers, shelter workers, vet techs, rescues, groomers, and enthusiasts with critical information and understandings of dogs that exhibit and act out aggression against humans, dogs, and other animals and objects. 

This course is the next in a series of working with aggressive dogs. This series provides a deeper understanding of the causes, actions and behaviors, physical movements as well as signals and communications of intent. Not only will you have the opportunity to learn in depth aspects of dog behavior and motivations, additionally the methods to mitigate and solve the problems, yourself, of both short-term and long-term aspects of behavior modifications.

You will also have the ability to acquire a knowledge of levels of aggressive behaviors and intent, how to keep yourself and others safe, and begin an understanding of when, what, where, how and why to solve, not just manage aggression. Aggression is an intent and acted upon behavior, many times separate from “reactivity”.

Nelson Hodges
IACP CEUs: 9 hours
Cost: $300
Prerequisite: Attendance or purchased WORKING WITH AND AFFECTING AGGRESSIVE DOGS



Polite Play in Dogs is a course designed to provide professional dog trainers, shelter workers, vet techs, rescues, groomers and enthusiasts with critical information and understandings of dogs to identify and understand the differences in polite (pro-social) play vs. other types of behaviors that may appear to be play-like in dogs. 

This course gives an understanding of what polite play is, how to identify it, and how and when to provide guidance. The “what, how and why” is always the underlying theme of every CHRI course. This one is no different. The ability to understand and read dog language, in the moment, is critical to having the human helping to provide limits or “cap” over the top behaviors, and give appropriate guidance for dogs to play correctly with each other.

This course is extremely important to help provide trust and pack orientation for pro-social play. This aspect is a paramount precept in creating a properly socialized and cooperative pack, whether it is a permanent or temporary (in the moment) pack. The human must understand what is going on and why to be able to become trustworthy to step in only when it is necessary and only to the level needed.

Nelson Hodges
IACP CEUs: 9 hours
Cost: $300



Pack Dynamics is a course designed to provide professional dog trainers, shelter workers, vet techs, rescues, groomers and enthusiasts with critical information and understandings of dogs to understand and create pro-social, balanced packs.

The purpose of this course is to define what a proper pro-social pack is, what it looks like in real life, the cooperative nature of each individual (including the humans) within the pack, and how to create and maintain that pro-social pack.

The class will focus on behaviors and identification of personalities, and how they can and must be guided in order to live well together within a human defined environment. In addition, the selection of each new pack member (when you have the choice) is critical in understanding and creating a great pack. Each dog has a massive effect upon each pack member, including the humans. Each type, breed characteristics, personality, age, size, behavioral predilections, sex, and health of a dog has massive effects on the character of the pack. 

You will have the opportunity to learn about the need and responsibility of your own part within the pack. This is one of the most important aspects to get right. The what, how and why of each dog and of each human (as well as others) is a requirement to create a cooperative and balanced pack, not just hope for it.

Instructor: Nelson Hodges
IACP CEUs: 15 hours
Cost: $600



Human Learning Types is the first course in a series designed to provide professional dog trainers, shelter workers, vet techs, rescues and groomers with critical information and understandings of human (client) personality-based learning, communication methods and signals. 

This course focuses on the ability to read and understand human learning type behaviors and signals. It will focus on how to analyze and begin to reach each person based upon their subject understanding level and how that person “sees” themselves within the subject matter and environment.

The focus of this class is to introduce you to a better way to reach “that” person, to help them be successful in learning what you are sharing with them. This will be the first in a series of courses that focus on the human client in introduction, analysis, reaching the client on their terms, changing their perspective and getting comprehension and agreement. There is an opportunity for you to learn the broad base of understanding and the beginnings of applying  these lessons. Subsequent courses in this series will provide deeper details of the above elements to help you to be more successful and more effective and efficient.

Instructor: Nelson Hodges
IACP CEUs: 9 hours
Cost: $300



Personality Types is a course designed to provide professional dog trainers, shelter workers, vet techs, rescues and groomers with critical information and understandings of canine personality-based behaviors and learning capabilities.  We will also identify how to work with and reach each type of dog. 

This course focuses on the ability to read and understand canine personality types, behaviors and signals to you. The material will focus on how to analyze and begin to reach each dog based upon how they gesture and respond to your signals, communications and behaviors. Each personality type responds differently to each environment that you encounter them within. Each behavior is based upon how each personality sees its “answer” to where, what, and how they see themselves within that environment. Having knowledge of the complex factors that affect each type, and responses they exhibit, accelerates your ability to identify, work with, and become a profound trusted partner.

The focus of this class is to identify personality types and sequences that happen in complex patterns. This is not a simple “personality” description and evaluation. This will introduce you to an extensive comprehension of the dog you are working with and have a better way to reach “that” dog, to help them be successful in learning what you are sharing with them. This course will focus on the dog in introduction, gathering intel on the dog, analysis, testing and communications and reaching the dog on their terms. The intent is to help you to change your ability to get comprehension and agreement from the dog. You will learn the broad base of understanding and the beginnings of applying these lessons. Subsequent courses in this series will provide more in depth details of the above elements to help you to be more successful and more effective and efficient.

Instructor: Nelson Hodges
IACP CEUs: 9 hours
Cost: $400


LOST DOG RECOVERY-in development for online

This four(4) day course goes into depth on planning, mapping, field operations, team creation and organization, technology use, equipment use, basic medical/veterinary applications and triage, weather conditions, urban vs. rural conditions, team sizes, and human and canine psychological aspects. The class goes into depth on the way dogs think and move in the environment, how to track and plot, as well as capture techniques. The course will also cover outside resources and how to leverage those sources to maintain an active network to assist in recovering lost dogs.
Nelson Hodges
IACP CEUs: 32 hours-in process
Cost: $800
Location: CHRI Center, Blue Ridge, TX


Online *previously recorded*


Areas of coverage in this class will be defining an aggressive dog, what that means from a behavior standpoint, recognizing what you are working with and analyzing a base point and a path forward with that dog. We will discuss what makes a dog aggressive, how that affects the dog, how it experiences stimuli, human input,  and cooperative efforts. We will look at the neurobiology (at an introductory level) of the brain a dog so you better understand each dog. This will allow you to change paths and methods in order to allow the dog to change.

Each dog has a unique path to behavior modification/recovery.  Understanding the various means and methods we can use to affect the dog is the goal. We will cover ways to keep you safe while working with the dog, understanding when you and the dog are both ready to trust each other. Discussions of what stimuli that can cause a regression, as well as when, why, and how to approach those issues. We will also cover when you should work with that dog, when to pass it on to someone else, and when to pass on it, period.

This course is offered to anyone that has completed CHRI RBBM I  Concepts

This on-line course will consist of three(3), 2 to 3 hour sessions, sequentially, over three(3) days. Start time is 6:00 pm until 8:00 or 9:00 pm (Central Time Zone) for each class day. 

There will be a follow-up course on case studies later this year. You must have completed this course, fully, to continue the case study course. Additional registration will be required for the follow-up course.

Total active class time is expected to be 8 to 9 hours.

Instructor: Nelson Hodges
IACP CEUs: 9 hours
Cost: $300
Location: ONLINE



This course is approximately 3.5 hours in recorded length(6.18.22), with more than an hour of Q&A time at the end including questions from the class attendees. The presentation incorporates slides for information and examples.

We cover what a predator is, what level of predator, predatory specializations, and dog being a predator having to eat meat, and also other foods at different times of life stages and activity levels.

The digestive system of a dog is important for you to understand, in depth, as well as how the digestive system works. What do dogs need more than  just to survive, but to thrive? We detail foods, supplements, various protein sources, how much of each by volume and percentages.  There are also distinctions of breeds in dogs, disparities in the age of the dog, and variances in what dogs need during times of illnesses, maladies and seasonally. Explained are all sources of foods that are appropriate for dogs and why. We examine purposes in sources of nutrition and, what and why they should or should not be used in various situations. Good, neutral, bad and toxic substances are necessary to understand, as well as biological protein values. It is vital to understand nutritional values depending upon processes, preservatives, fresh, raw, freshly cooked, frozen and reconstituted.

Minerals, supplements, fiber usage, viscosity understanding and microbiome health are critical in understanding for all dogs of all breeds and ages.

Nelson Hodges
IACP CEUs: 3.5 hours
Cost: $150
Location: ONLINE recording only

Courses under construction—

Proactive Defensive Living & Survival

Crisis Response & Emergency Medical Skills