Our team provides advanced courses on canine behavior and behavior modification, brain, language, motivations, health, human psychology and client relations and basic canine and human medical skills.

All CHRI instructors have advanced degrees and/or life experiences, military and advanced medical service as well as many cumulative years of dog training/handling and client/patient experience. As of December, 2021, more than 550 trainers have been through RBBM training, and more than 200 have taken advanced classes at CHRI, or have signed up for courses offered.


Nelson Hodges

FOUNDER, director | IACP, CDT, CDTA, PDTI, CIS, crbt, crbti, ccb

Nelson Hodges has worked with Animal Behavior and Rehabilitation for more than 40 years. He has specialized in Canine Behavior, helping others to understand the nature, intelligence, language and motivations of all canines. In 2016, Nelson created the Canine – Human Relationship Institute (Located in Blue Ridge, Texas. D/FW area) to act as a “University” level education center for professional dog trainers. He is the Senior CHRI Instructor and conducts many of the courses offered, along with other qualified instructors.