Join us August 18—22, 2025-10 AM - 1 PM CT
Pack Dynamics is a course designed to provide professional dog trainers, shelter workers, vet techs, rescues, groomers and enthusiasts with critical information and understandings of dogs to understand and create pro-social, balanced packs.
The purpose of this course is to define what a proper pro-social pack is, what it looks like in real life, the cooperative nature of each individual (including the humans) within the pack, and how to create and maintain that pro-social pack.
The class will focus on behaviors and identification of personalities, and how they can and must be guided in order to live well together within a human defined environment. In addition, the selection of each new pack member (when you have the choice) is critical in understanding and creating a great pack. Each dog has a massive effect upon each pack member, including the humans. Each type, breed characteristics, personality, age, size, behavioral predilections, sex, and health of a dog has massive effects on the character of the pack.
You will have the opportunity to learn about the need and responsibility of your own part within the pack. This is one of the most important aspects to get right. The what, how and why of each dog and of each human (as well as others) is a requirement to create a cooperative and balanced pack, not just hope for it.