
August 2, 3, 4, 2024

6-9 pm CT

Areas of coverage in this class will be defining an aggressive dog, what that means from a behavior standpoint, recognizing what you are working with and analyzing a base point and a path forward with that dog. We will discuss what makes a dog aggressive, how that affects the dog, how it experiences stimuli, human input,  and cooperative efforts. We will look at the neurobiology (at an introductory level) of the brain a dog so you better understand each dog. This will allow you to change paths and methods in order to allow the dog to change.

Each dog has a unique path to behavior modification/recovery.  Understanding the various means and methods we can use to affect the dog is the goal. We will cover ways to keep you safe while working with the dog, understanding when you and the dog are both ready to trust each other. Discussions of what stimuli that can cause a regression, as well as when, why, and how to approach those issues. We will also cover when you should work with that dog, when to pass it on to someone else, and when to pass on it, period.

This course is offered to anyone that has completed CHRI RBBM I  Concepts

This on-line course will consist of three(3), 2 to 3 hour sessions, sequentially, over three(3) days. Start time is 6:00 pm until 8:00 or 9:00 pm (Central Time Zone) for each class day. 

There will be a follow-up course on case studies later this year. You must have completed this course, fully, to continue the case study course. Additional registration will be required for the follow-up course.

Total active class time is expected to be 8 to 9 hours.

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